Katie O'Sullivan

Majoring in English and Geography

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Reaction to M. Kirschenbaum Assigned Reading

 Hello and Welcome!

     As a quick intro to this blog entry, we have been asked to review/respond to one of the readings we were previously assigned. The whole concept of digital humanities is new to me and while complex, I feel there is a lot to be said in support of it, but I must admit its interdisciplinary nature holds great appeal for me as an english and geography enthusiast. For instance, in the process of obtaining the pdf I will explore below, I was forced to engage with the digital and the human (putting faces to the names). This firstly showed me what can be achieved with an online professional portfolio (see Matthew’s blog). Secondly I began to engage with the community of ‘‘DHers’’ (5), a status that I hope can be applied to myself in the near future.

Downloadable here: ePub.

320px-Computer-aj_aj_ashton_01.svg +  People_Icon  = Digital Humanities

     It could be said that I had a very proactive reaction to the article ‘‘What is Digital Humanities and what’s it doing in English Departments?’’, a reaction which I would attribute to the digital nature of the humanities and the very online world Kirschenbaum relates to the reader through his discussion. While I appreciated his retrospective look on the origins of the digital humanities I think he could have focused more on his title and less on the past. Continue reading